
Scott Sheen

Company Director
Having learned the ropes of the construction industry starting from the tender age of 16, Scott now has extensive experience in small business management, construction and project management and experience running various large scale residential, commercial and industrial businesses. A family man and avid golfer who loves to travel he also moonlights as a male model, dad bod edition.

Brittany House

Director of Construction

Nikki Madigan

Financial Director
With 7 years of production accounting in the oil and gas industry and 6 years of accounting experience in the construction industry, Nikki is an essential part of the Saint team. She’s also a certified COR internal auditor, payroll and accounting technician. Prairie born and raised, she has a quiet disposition with a loud mind.


Peter Smith

Project Manager

Jeff Amado

Project Manager
Jeff has over 10 years of experience in the construction industry and he brings a passion to Saint that can often be heard down the hall. He isn't afraid to wear whatever hat will help get the job done and completed to Saint's high standards. Jeff is a tried and true team player, a former UBC football player and a flag footballer. These days you'll find him consistently beating his record for consecutive days alive.

Brett Yarish

Project Coordinator
Brett has been in the construction industry for over 18 years. Previously, he used his passion for woodwork and design as a  furniture maker running his own woodworking studio in East Van. When he needs a break from it all, he likes to escape to his favorite place on earth, Maui.

Chris O’Neill

Project Coordinator

Angelo Culos

Project Coordinator

Ben Featherstone

Site Supervisor
Ben is a Red Seal carpenter and a qualified heritage carpenter with over 10 years in the construction industry. He also happens to be a Rugby player, Bass player and loves a bit of Austin Powers.

Dan Teunissen

Site Supervisor

Nakhon Phanouvong

Site Supervisor

Mark Gunther

Site Safety, Customer Care and HR Manager
Mark brings his keen eye for measurement and precision from his experience as a graduate of Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts and his years working in the kitchen. He is also a proud Sci-Fi geek and avid game player.

Kenneth Paras

Apprentice Carpenter
Kenneth has been with Saint since 2021 and is about to start his carpentry apprenticeship. He loves to work out, play basketball and do anything that keeps him active.

Justin Petilla

Apprentice Carpenter
Justin is starting his apprenticeship carpentry certificate next year. He is an avid basketball player who coaches high school teams as well as plays two to three times a week when he’s not collecting sneakers, watching Brooklyn 99 or working for Saint.

Laith Jarrar

Project Administrator

David De Jesus

Safety Coordinator

Tristan Secuur

Apprentice Carpenter